Monday, October 21, 2019

Throwing for an Oval

Lately, my new focus is to make custom items for me. Not a friend, not a neighbor, not to sell....Me. I needed a weather proof sign to redirect package deliveries from my front gate to my side door. My favorite way to "make" is to throw on the wheel and alter the shape. Since I preferred an oval shape for my sign, I threw a flat platter with a rounded edge. I sliced a diamond-like shape out of the center and pushed and smooshed until the two sides came together. I used a metal rib to compress and even out the center before I painted on three coats of a dark slip. Once that firmed up, I carved in the words, painted them in with yellow colored slip and carved the edge to create a rope-like edge. The edge got a blue glaze and the center got a clear. Now what else do I need?

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