Friday, September 22, 2017

Slip Swirl, Slip Scroll

A little slip decoration on these soup mug bowls for the Draper Senior Center fundraiser coming this Fall. The blue mug has some raised terra cotta slip scrolls covered with clear glaze. The other has a swirl of terra cotta slip painted onto greenware, also with a clear glaze finish. Some of the terra cotta color burned away and it gives the impression that the mug is already a gourmet cup of java.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tiny and Fun

I made some very tiny pots, about the size of a thimble,  just for fun. A friend of mine saw them, exclaimed how cute they are but wondered how they could be used. Well, another friend of mine, a gardener, brought in the cutest miniature tomatoes. Perfect fit....just for fun.

Friday, September 8, 2017

I Like All Kinds of Bats

The upper photo is of my favorite North Star blue bat. Easy to mount on the wheel head pins and mmmmost importantly, my favorite color. The lower picture is the little animal that has been leaving little black pellets on the ground about a foot from my front door. Every evening, there are several bats that emerge at dusk, swooping around and about my front and backyard. Around 11pm, this little bat needs a break and hangs itself on the bricks. Good location; protected from the rain and the wind. Glad to have both.