Friday, October 11, 2013

Glazed soup bowls

 I have revisited some glazing combinations for these soup bowls. You never know what people will like, so variety is the way to go. The bowl above with the grooved lips have Colonial white over Turkish amber glaze cone 5/6.
 A heavy dose of cream over plumb make the bowls look like they are already full of soup.
I like the matte finish that bamboo ash matte glaze gave this bowl (not made by me).  The lip and the circles are an applications of an Iron Red glaze on top. It is a glossy glaze which is a nice compliment to the matte.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Soup bowls

I've been very busy working on soup bowls for a fundraiser. Here's just a few of them. I have much respect for those who make pottery for a's hard work, no doubt about it, and I am not even near the iceberg, let alone touching the tip of it, as the expressions goes.